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![Weight Loss Diet Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight [Expert Advice] Weight Loss Diet Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight [Expert Advice]](http://images.idiva.com/media/content/2012/Dec/weightlossrecipes1.jpg)
The first thing that comes to mind when considering healthy weight is exercise and a weight loss diet. Definitely, exercise is very important to lose those excess pounds and unnecessary fats, but it can't be the only solution. Besides exercising, you also have to adopt various new habits like new eating patterns and sticking to the desired weight loss diet plan. If you're often confused about which weight loss diet tips to follow and which ones to ignore, then read on... ?
To lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight it is very important to take serious pledges gradually and adopt a healthy way of living. Maintaining a healthy weight is a big task, because you are adopting new changes, but time and perseverance will make it easy.?
Today, Ms. Eileen Canday ? Chief Dietician at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, shares some quick and healthy weight loss diet tips to maintain a healthy weight. She says, "Maintaining a healthy weight is very simple and it means burning the everyday calories that you consume."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 1: Avoid the over-exaggerated weight loss diet plan
You probably must have read, seen and heard about various diet fads or quick weight loss solution. Eileen says don?t fall prey to these foolish promises. They are not realistic at all. She further adds, "losing weight is not that easy and even if you receive a desired result, it is an unhealthy way. Besides, if you fall into this net and you won?t get the desired result, you will feel discouraged and will do more harm to your weight by indulging in overeating."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 2: Don't follow unqualified 'health experts' who claim to know what works for weight loss
Take some help from a good dietician to prepare a diet plan. Avoid cutting out entire groups of foods like carbs or fats. This plan is impractical and unhealthy. She says, "You should eat from each section of food groups, but the key is moderation. Eliminating certain food groups is just unhealthy because it creates nutritional imbalance in the body, which will further affect the growth and maintenance of the tissue and cells."
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 3: No weight loss from fasting
So you think dieting or fasting will help you maintain your desired weight or lose weight quickly? Eileen says, "This is the unhealthiest way of maintaining weight." She further explains, "If you stop eating or restrict your food intake, it is true that your metabolism will slow down, but this effect is temporary. Once you start your normal routine of eating, you will gain weight when your metabolism comes back to its original tempo."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 4: Stop emotional eating
Many of us don?t just eat to satisfy hunger. At times, we give way while we are stressed or depressed. When we are depressed we tend to overeat, which drastically affects our weight. She says, "Don?t neglect this phenomenon, instead stop emotional eating. There are many ways to give away from this harmful habit like try eating a bowlful of carrots instead of chips or go for a walk when you are depressed instead of running to your fridge."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 5: Pay attention while you eat
In this fast paced world, we know it is difficult to munch your food properly, but the point is to enjoy what you are eating. She says, "Take a break from your desk and eat with your colleagues. Eat slowly, enjoy the taste and aroma of the food, chew your food thoroughly and don?t stick to the pattern of cleaning your plate even if you are full."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 6: Binge on fruits and vegetables
To lose weight the key is to avoid unhealthy calories. Hence, choose your diet wisely to ward off the unnecessary pounds. Pick fruits and vegetables to maintain your weight as well as to keep your stomach full. Fruits and vegetables are filled with fibre. Since they are high in volume, they will keep you full for a longer time. Eileen says, "Though fruits and vegetables are very healthy, you still need to keep a watch on how much you eat to avoid unnecessary diet blunders."?
Weight Loss Diet Tip # 7: Breakfast is very important
Start your day with a healthy breakfast. This will help you stay focused and also avoid eating later in the day. Eileen adds, "A research estimated that people who have breakfast, tend to be healthier, because it helps to fasten your metabolism.?
*Image courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

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Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-weight-loss/weight-loss-diet-tips-for-maintaining-a-healthy-weight-expert-advice/18358
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